Three hundred school children waving their arms around and squawking like seabirds is an impressive (and noisy) sight! That’s just […]
Nur was one of our first KCC reporters. Her story, ‘My Favourite Place‘ was written after Nur read, ‘Our Favourite Place’ […]
The Great Kererū Count is nearly here! From the 16th- 25th of September, you can take part in New Zealand’s […]
In winter birds find it hard to find enough food and use a lot of energy trying to stay warm. You […]
Birds come in lots of different sizes and it helps to know how big they are when you’re trying to identify them. […]
Nicki Harvey looks at the double-life of the brushtail possum. Kiwis and Aussies view their possums in quite different ways. The […]
Eight year old KCC member Oscar tells us about his close up encounters with some pretty unique wildlife.
12 year old Lil Cosslett from Wellington writes about helping to protect a patch of bush from goats by building […]
This year our beech trees are dropping all of their seeds again. Why? Tawai or beech trees do a thing called […]
KCC member Thomas Grayson gives us his account of a very memorable KCC event. South Auckland KCC’s kokako walk commenced […]
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