Undiscovered creature of the deep
There are so many species yet to be discovered in te moana uriuri | the deep sea. What do you…
Gulper eel sock puppet
Make a gulper eel sock puppet
Journey of a pebble
Journey of a pebble Pebbles don’t start off as pebbles. They are formed over a long, long time (sometimes thousands…
Know your limits and sizes
Know your limits and sizes Do you know how to sustainably forage for kaimoana | shellfish?
Chiton Puzzle
Chiton Puzzle Send us in photos of your chiton all pieced together! What you want it to look like at…
Bivalve Scavenger Hunt
Bivalve Scavenger Hunt Bivalves are an awesome type of shell! What shapes and sculptures can you find when you look…
Story of my life
Story of my life Did you know that shells have growth rings like trees? The scientific name for these is…
Forest & Bird is sticking up for our sharks! They are getting hurt (and sometimes killed) by commercial fishers, and…