By Hazel (aged 6)
I decided I wanted to do some craft activities yesterday and Mummy said we could try and re-use our old Forest & Bird magazines. I cut out pictures that I liked from the magazine and found a plain cardboard box. Then I covered the top of the box with Mod Podge (like PVA glue) and stuck the pictures on slightly overlapping with each other so there was no brown box showing through but you can still see all of the pictures. Then I painted Mod Podge again over the top and when it dried it was all clear and shiny. Mummy says this is called découpage. I also did the sides and the inside.
My favourite pictures on my box are the cute little baby kākāpō, the penguin chicks, the seal and the kea. I am going to use the box to keep special treasures in. My favourite native species is the little blue penguin / kororā, and my favourite place to see nature is Shakespear Open Sanctuary. When I grow up I want to be a vet and a bird artist.