Hi I am Helena. I like outside. I have just turned 7.
I live in Nelson but I am from Wellington, I moved to Nelson last year but we haven’t lived here for a year yet.
I have been doing the KCC challenges. We found out about the challenges on the computer last year. Writing this report is my 29th challenge. Some of the challenges were really easy and some were hard and took a long time.

With the dead penguin I found
I am most proud of my Little Blue Penguin Fact File. I like it because its’s a book about a native bird and it is interesting. I found out that little blue penguins can dive down to 20m. We found a dead little blue penguin at Glenduan.
I know how long my driveway is because we measured it in blue whales, our driveway is two blue whales plus ten meters!
When we found a new bug we couldn’t identify it using our books so we put it on a bug Facebook group and 38 people sent smiley faces and someone told us what it was within one hour! I can now recognise a mayfly. I am careful with bugs.
I really liked making sun-catchers because it was fun and I liked that birds wont bang into our windows. I made some as presents and I make them with my friends.
It took ages to do the fund-raising for nature challenge because we made “happy fish” printed bags and wraps. We still have 3 bags to sell, they are $10. We made them so people wouldn’t use plastic bags and glad wrap.

A “Happy Fish” bag
I liked doing all the challenges. I know more about nature now, and I can be a better friend to nature. Forest and Bird really helps.