Malfroy School from Rotorua are involved in Aquabots (underwater tethered robots) that have the potential to help clean up lakes and spills, track pollution, survey sea life and water quality, even detonate mines!
They have also been involved in the EVOLOCITY Secondary Schools competition… despite the fact that they were a team made up of 3x Year 6 and 1x Year 7! They just missed out on 3rd in the Waikato and Bay of Plenty Regional Final! They won the Sustainability Award though – choice!
The Cheddars built their electric go-kart from an old school table that was heading to the dump! Here are some photos showing the kids making the prototype and building the cart.
Jessika and Peāta making the prototype of the team’s design. This part can be messy.
The team – Jessika, Peāta, Christian and Amaia + Mr Cheds.