It all started on January 1st when my family and I decided to go on a day trip. We went to a beach called Te Arai where we expected some very good waves to boogie-board on we spent about 4 hours playing in the waves and eating before things really started to happen…
My sister and I were playing the water when our dad came running up to us. He told us to look out at the horizon and when we did we saw something amazing. As we looked we saw a dolphin leap 2 meters into the air!! We looked on as we saw fins appear and more dolphins joined in then…
They started swimming towards us!!! they came closer and closer my sister Mila and I dived into the waves with our boogie-board and started to paddle across the beach to where the dolphins had come in to shore. After 10 minutes we gave up and came back to the shore where we began to run across the beach, soon we got so close that somebody about 4 metres away from us was being approached by a very curious member of the pack.
Little did we know that our dad was swimming out from the shore with two dolphins circling him!!! They kept swimming around and around him!!!. Back at the beach we saw 3 members of the pod leap into the air like the first except they were a-lot closer!!! Soon the pod started to move away and the curious ones that had approached my dad left to swim off with the rest of their pod.
As we watched then disappear over the sunset I thought to myself “I am not going to forget that in a hurry!!!”
By Dash, aged 9