Use your voice: Fast-Track Bill

We need to speak up for nature before 19 April 2024!
The new Government has introduced a new bill to speed up approvals for building housing, infrastructure (like roads), and other developments (like mines and dams).
This might sound ok, but what’s planned actually will go way, way too fast.
Fast-track approvals will override, or rule out, the Conservation Act, Reserves Act, and Wildlife Act, as well as the RMA and law governing the Exclusive Economic Zone. These are all the incredibly important protections in law for our amazing wildlife and wild places!
How can I help?
- Fill in this template with images of your favourite native animals and plants that are at risk from Fast-Track. You could do it by hand, or digitally on the computer (or a combo of both).
- Send KCC a copy for Forest & Bird by 15 April share as part of our mahi to stop Fast-Track —>