Polly Pekapeka (our Manu | Bird of the Year 2021) is looking for adventure, so she’s off visiting KCCers around Aotearoa – and beyond. Follow all her adventures out and about in nature HERE.
In June 2022, Polly went to stay with Kauri Class @ Weston School in Ōamaru. Here’s what they got up to together…
Due to sickness and Covid, Polly didn’t get to enjoy all the sites and lights of Ōamaru like we had hoped but…
She did get to celebrate Matariki with our school community and some of the year 1 and year 5/6 tamariki of Weston school!
She watched and listened to the blessing that was held very early in the morning (lucky for her it was still dark so she was awake!), then munch on some yummy bacon and eggs with the shared kai.

She then participated in matariki activites, weaving, rock painting, crafting out of natural materials (making stars and fishing rods). She had a lovely day.

Polly also got to go on an adventure with a family to the Dunedin Museum and Butterfly Creek!
Take care Polly, and we hope you enjoyed yourself!
Mrs R and Kauri class.
How wonderful that Polly got to celebrate Matariki with you and go to Dunedin aswell! 🦇