Polly Pekapeka (our Manu | Bird of the Year 2021) is looking for adventure, so she’s off visiting KCCers around Aotearoa – and beyond. Follow all her adventures out and about in nature HERE.
In September 2022, Polly went to stay with Charleigh (age 10) in Rotorua. Here’s what they got up to together…
Me & Polly got up to a lot of things, like she came to school with me. She met a lot of people there. Her favorite was my teacher, he likes Batman. He said that I got him a nose bat for his collection which is over 100 [pieces].

This is Polly meeting my sister Peyton.

Then Polly went to the rest home with my mum. Polly has even more friends now. My mum said that people are still asking about her now, especially Christine.
During Polly’s stay she got a bit hungry, and we found her in the panty holding a pear.

Then we went up the gondola to visit the jellybean factory and see the amazing views.

We got a snack first. I had a banana cake with chocolate syrup, cream and juice. Polly had a little bit of my juice & my cake. After we finished we went to the jelly bean battery and got some jelly beans.

We headed down and got back home ready for dinner and “to.go.to.bed”.

I got Polly into her bed that I made out of a cardboard box with some blankets and I got into mine.
We had a lovely weekend. I hope I see Polly again.
What a wonderful adventure! We love that Polly also got to meet a bat(man) enthusiast, and make new friends at the rest home 🙂