Polly Pekapeka (our KCC Mascot) is looking for adventure, so she’s off visiting KCCers around Aotearoa – and beyond. Follow all her adventures out and about in nature HERE.
In May 2024, Polly visited Ari (age 7) and Rumi in Dunedin. Here’s what they got up to together…

We often go to Brighton Beach as it is close to our home. We love it because there is a real mixture of environments, and it changes every time we visit. There is a special creek which runs out to the sea, some rocks with rock pools, even a little island you can sometimes walk to. Can you spot Polly in the car, on her way to the beach, in this photo?

Here we are enjoying the beach.

Two oyster catchers were enjoying the beach too.

Polly liked dragging kelp around with us.

We showed Polly all the best places to hide and to get up to the reserve and playground on the hidden staircases.

The waves are so powerful, this is a good beach to learn about being careful at different points of the tide coming in and out. Sometimes you can walk out to the island behind us, but on this visit with Polly we stayed on the dry rocks and watched the massive waves come in and meet up with Ōtokia Creek.

We love running up to the waves and then trying to outrun the waves when they come in really fast. Polly took these photos because she didn’t want to get wet.

Polly loved the beautiful patterns that the waves made in the sand.
We loved showing Polly one of our favourite places. Thanks KCC for letting Polly visit.