By Jordy (age 10) from Redwood Primary School
“You are accused of stealing earrings, this is the 10th time this week! I’m sorry it has come to this but…”
A bunch of feathers burst into the air, and the kea flew out of the open window.
“Oh well, there he goes again.”
Meanwhile, Tiger the kea was flying high above a village near Arthur’s Pass. Tiger’s favorite hobby was stealing jewellery. He lived on near by Mt. Stewart above the snow line.
Everyday, Tiger wakes up and flies over the forest. When he sees some fruit he dives down to get it. He has a particular liking for apples.
One day, Tiger was flying over Lake Misery when he heard a loud roar. It was nothing like what he had heard before. Looking down he spied a massive red thing and a group of people. Tiger decided to investigate and have a closer look so he flew down and landed on a tree branch near what appeared to be a big red monster. It was actually a huge crane chopping down trees. The noise was so loud that he had to fly up again. Then a tree fell down and the kea saw that there were at least 50 of these huge red machines chopping down the trees. Lots of birds and animals were getting killed.
Tiger flew to his mate Kereru’s nest, but he couldn’t find it. Then the truth dawned on him. The red monsters were about to eat him up as well. Oh no, thought Tiger. Then he heard a loud crunching sound.
The monsters were chopping down more and more trees. Tiger couldn’t get any sleep so he decided that enough was enough and he would move away from Arthur’s Pass and go somewhere else. So he flew away from home to live in a totally different place all because his environment that he was used to was now being destroyed.
As he took flight he said to himself what’s going to become of me and my mates if our habitat is constantly being taken from us…