By Maggie (age 7)

During the holidays, my family and I went to the Marlborough Sounds. One day we went to Blumine Island, which a a pest free island looked after by the Department of Conservation. We saw some amazing animals including lots of very nosy weka, some sleepy kererū, and even an orange fronted parakeet bird which is listed as “nationally critical”. This is an amazing transformation for an island that used to be a sheep farm.
While I didn’t see any living, I did see a few of these powelliphanta snail shells. These are some of the largest snails in the world and can live for up to 20 years. They are carnivorous and mostly eat earthworms. Imagine finding some of these in your vege garden!!!

My name is Maggie. I live in Auckland, but love to go on adventures all over New Zealand. I love being outside and finding cool natural ‘treasure’.