Pop up pūteketeke
Pop-up Pūteketeke Make an awesome pop-up card featuring our Bird of the Century, the pūteketeke | Australasian crested grebe! Step…
Bird Art Challenge
Bird Art Pātai | Challenge for Bird of the Century! To celebrate Forest & Bird’s 100th birthday, we’re searching for…
Bird of the Year
Bird of the Century Resource Kete! A special resource for schools to support learning around birds during the vote for…
Make a braided river artwork
Make a braided river artwork Pebbles don’t just go with the flow; they can also shape it! Unlike he awa…
Journey of a pebble
Journey of a pebble Pebbles don’t start off as pebbles. They are formed over a long, long time (sometimes thousands…
Tell me a story
Tell me a story Did you know pebbles inside humble hillsides can tell the story of how rivers flowed 5-10…
Make an assessment: How healthy is your awa?
Make an assessment: How healthy is your awa? Use your eyes to make observations of your local stream. Find out…
Know your limits and sizes
Know your limits and sizes Do you know how to sustainably forage for kaimoana | shellfish?
Waterproofing How do birds waterproof their feathers? How do they make it last? Do this experiment to see where preen…
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