Polly Pekapeka (our Manu | Bird of the Year 2021) is looking for adventure, so she’s off visiting KCCers around Aotearoa – and beyond. Follow all her adventures out and about in nature HERE.
In September 2022, Polly went to stay with Mae (age 12) in Wellington. Here’s what they got up to together…
Polly went on an adventure around the Karaka Bays.
Polly first stopped at the wharf and telephone box to look at books; she saw the seagulls. Sadly, Polly couldn’t go on the wharf because it was closed due to construction.

Next Polly stopped at one of the Karaka Bays and sat atop a boat shed and looked at the water below. Polly spotted some schools of fish and some sea lettuce.

At the very end of Polly’s journey, she rode on the giant swing next to Worser Bay. Polly loved the view from up high in the air. While Polly was on the big swing, she saw seagulls flying in the air.

When me and Polly got home we were exhausted, so we decided to unwind by sitting down and reading a story together.

Great adventure!