Polly Pekapeka (our Manu | Bird of the Year 2021) is looking for adventure, so she’s off visiting KCCers around Aotearoa – and beyond. Follow all her adventures out and about in nature HERE.
In October 2022, Polly went to stay with Felix (age 8), Ace (age 6), and Zuri (age 3) in Mount Maunganui. Here’s what they got up to together…
We had a blast with Polly! We eagerly awaited her arrival and the morning she arrived there was a big swell so we set off and took her around our beautiful maunga, Mauao. We have long tail bats here in the Bay, and some have even been spotted flying at sunset on top of Mauao (but not today!).

Later, we got out all our field books and drew some pictures of NZ bats and learnt a few new things too.

We took her down to the beach where we live, and we took her to our favourite forest walk at Aongatete and had a picnic on the rock there with her.

Felix wrote this: This is when we went around Mauao and I found a cool rock with a perfect hole for Polly and took a photo. The waves were huge, crashing all around us. It was fun.

Ace wrote this: So when we were at the rocks (Aongatete) we saw these beautiful waterfalls. This waterfall is very special to us and it just looks like it was glimmering in the sunlight. We saw all this amazing wildlife and fed eels from our hands and they tickled us. Polly liked watching the eels.

Thanks for visiting us Polly!

Kau mau te wehi! What an awesome adventure.