Polly Pekapeka (our Manu | Bird of the Year 2021) is looking for adventure, so she’s off visiting KCCers around Aotearoa – and beyond. Follow all her adventures out and about in nature HERE.
In September 2022, Polly went to stay with Eleza (age 9) and Lake (age 7) in Tauranga. Here’s what they got up to together…
Polly Pekapeka did lots of exploring with us in and around Ōmokoroa. These four pictures are from a reserve nearby called Huharua Reserve – we met our friends (including Ruby), and had a big nature day climbing trees, making sand sculptures, and having fun running around.

And these following pictures are from Cooney Reserve in Ōmokoroa. We did a bike ride from home down to Cooney, and played on the big swing with Polly.

Amazing adventure Eleza and Lake!