Polly Pekapeka (our Manu | Bird of the Year 2021) is looking for adventure, so she’s off visiting KCCers around Aotearoa – and beyond. Follow all her adventures out and about in nature HERE.
In August 2022, Polly went to stay with Archy (age 6) and family from Timaru. Here’s what they got up to together…
Polly Pekapeka arrived at our place just in time to join us on our visit to the South Canterbury Museum. We showed Polly Pekapeka the new display about the long-tailed bats that live in South Canterbury. She got to see a real (taxidermied) kiwi up close, and we even got to touch it.

Another day we went to Geraldine and found more information about bats. Polly Pekapeka enjoyed a picnic and a bushwalk in Talbot Forest. We looked out for trees that Pekapeka might roost in. This big tree had a huge hollow space inside it. We thought Pekapeka might like to live in it, but we couldn’t see any.

Finally, we drove to Pleasant Point to look for more bay roosting trees. We found some large trees on a walkway around the golf course but we didn’t see any trees that were banded to help protect the roosting bats. It was a very nice walk!
We had a great time exploring with Polly Pekapeka and learning about the long-tailed bats in our area. Thank you for visiting Polly!
Awesome adventure!