Getting out into nature is great!
Join in on one of our adventures…
KCC members can attend events happening anywhere in Aotearoa New Zealand. We have over 20 active branches presently.
See where our active branches are currently
Check out our past trip reports on our blog
How do I find out about upcoming events?
When you sign up, make sure we have permission to email you. Nearby KCO/s will be then be able to flick out event notifications directly too – Choice! This is the best way that we can notify you of events in your local area, or with your closest active KCC Branch.
Search/ask if your branch has a Facebook group you can join, or Facebook page you can follow. This is another great way to get notifications, and to engage in the social side of KCC. This is an increasingly popular option.
KEYWORDS to search for are: Kiwi Conservation Club
Want to find out about events happening somewhere else in Aotearoa? Get in touch

Want to lead KCC Adventures as one of our volunteers? Find out how you can become a Kiwi Conservation Coordinator (KCO)!
Share what you’re doing, thinking, and care about. Not only will your story (written, drawn, photographic) feature on our blog (kcc.org.nz/blog) – but you could also have your mahi published in Wild Things magazine!