By Maggie (age 7)
I go to Meadowbank School. It’s an EnviroSchool. This means the students are encouraged to take action on environmental issues and creating change for a more sustainable future. Meadowbank has been an EnviroSchool for a long time – 16 years!
At my school we have a beautiful gully area with a stream, native planting and lots of birds. We also have lots of vegetable gardens.
We are trying really hard to reduce waste that goes to landfills. One way we are doing this is by having special compost bins for green waste. These bins are where the kids and teachers put food scraps. Monitors then empty these bins into our big compost bins which are old recycled bath tubs. They have heavy lids on a pulley to keep pests out and the smell in!
When the food scraps have broken down into compost, it is then spread over the vegetable gardens around school.
Composting is important because:
– it provides nutrients for plants to grow
– it makes the soil healthy
– it reduces the amount of waste going to landfills which means less methane gas being released into the atmosphere.
I love going to a school that is an EnviroSchool because I like working outside. It helps me feel like I’m making a difference.
Here is a photo of my little sister Odette and I beside one of our big compost bins at school.